What can be done for improving peoples teeth? I have read in Victoria Botenko's book that eating raw food healed her son of 8 calvities.
Is this true? Can teeth heal? Have you seen it happen? If so, what do you have to take, and how do you have to eat to repair teeth.
I have heard stories that people can grow a whole new set of teeth. A third or fourth, or even fith set. I knew an eldrly woman who was getting two new teeth. Can this be sped up? Can a person in their 30's 40's or 50's grow a third set, or do we have to wait until our mid 70's before they will come in? I guess what i am trying to ask is, can a person who has lost all their teeth to gumb disease grow a third set, and have them come in before their 70's?
I have 7 children, and 5 of them have teeth that just rot out. It seems to start when they are about 2. They were not bottle fed, I have kept them almost completely off of sugar, and they brush thier teeth. What can I do to help them strengthen their teeth?