Wegener's Granulomatosis w/ Secondary Vasculitis
Dr. Schulze ,
This will be long so please hang in there.
1. My father has Wegener's Granulomatosis with secondary Vasculitis. the past ten years that he has had this he has been working himself to death and treating his body like crap! I just recently came across you and have ordered your catolog and tape for him and he should recieve it soon. I have researched your Incurables Program and have ordered your book 'There Are No Incurable Diseases'. I am hoping that your book will give me more insight on how I can better help my father. Any helpful info. or other material I should been looking into please let me Know.
2. My son has some kind of G.I problem (I wouldn't let the doctors torture him anymore after suggesting they do surgery for something they weren't sure he had.)I have ordered formula #3 and put the family on a completly vegan diet. Should he use formula #2 after completing formula #3? My son also has ADHD. My doctor put him on medication so I stopped seeing him. I cannot find a doctor that will help with a more natural approch. I reduced most
Sugar and colorings but this has been almost impossible. You have no subject in the Idex of Ailments in your catolog. What else should I be doing. I have been homeschooling him hoping this is the right direction. any info. would be helpful.
3.I have been told I have Axiety disorder and ADD. I was put on Paxil 60 mg. I have tried to take myself off it slowly many times because I still nurse our 1 1/2 year old but I become a major "B" word. Would your nerve and Brain formulas be enough for me?
Thank you for taking the time to help.
- Lavender