It started last April/May, my eyes began swelling at first underneath then later the eyelids did as well. I felt tired and run down most of the time, the humid heat totally drained me, not to mention the headaches and pressure in sinus area. Had an x-ray of sinus area- all clear. Later visited an allergist. The only thing found was that I am allergic to ragweed which doesn't come in until August. All of these symptoms lasted until the end of November with the exception of some swelling around my eyes. Felt much better no longer having the headaches until this month (April). I've done a 5 day juice fast, a colon detox during this time. I really didn't have much success with the colon detox. All of the symptoms seemed to be better during the fast. I really have begun to think that I am allergic to something that the allergist didn't test me for or missed. Thought about trying the sinus/lung formule, but a little sceptical regarding the MaHuang. Can you help?