Re: Two questions...Two Answers
There is a difference between diarrhea and loose bowel movements.
Diarrhea is usually a sign of infection and will burn as you deficate.
Loose bowel movements are just that, loose--filled with water.
Since your not taking in any fiber, there shouldn't be anything close to firm coming out after Day 2.
I stopped taking the tea because I didn't notice it working at all.
Now a friend of mine did a mini-MC last week and she was up all night with BMs after the first night
drinking the tea.
Every body is different, mainly because we have all eaten different toxins in different amounts throughout our lives.
I am sticking to the
Master-Cleanse as it is written (no B-P shakes).
If Stanley Burroughs thought it was necessary, I think he would have included it.
But to each his own way.
I just don't think anyone should be taking any over-the-counter drugs to help the
Master-Cleanse along.
Just let your body recover in its own way, in its own time.
Good Luck and keep praying.