Re: Son was just curious
Hi there,
I just read your post and have to agree with those folks who are saying that there might be more to your son's story than he is saying. I would use your intuition about this...did he sound guilty?
Do not let this go by without checking it out. It could be quite an opportunity that your son has presented to you for your daughter's healing. I can't imagine that this had no impact on her, even though it may be a relatively "normal" occurrence. This does not sound like experimentation that your daughter initiated, and you do not know the details.
And, here's an interesting thing...I think you assumed that folks in the mental health field are mandated reporters of molestation. Well, my understanding is that the biggest concern that a counselor could have is whether or not your daughter is safe in the moment. I doubt that your son would need to be reported for something that happened in the past that is not a current danger...but check it out to be certain.
I'm really writing, though, to let you know of a method which could bring relief to your daughter rapidly and relatively painlessly, if this is in fact impacting her in a negative way. Actually, her symptoms can likely be helped even if this is not the cause. The method is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). The main website for it is and the site includes practitioners by state...and many can do it proficiently over the phone. I can't recommend it highly enough...and I was drawn to tell you about it (and I've never posted anything to curezone before). So, maybe there's something to this. This method is akin to accupressure for the emotions...just tapping different points along the energy meridians. It clears what might take several years in traditional psychotherapy in a session or a few. (And of course, it could be good for your son as well, as he is also having troubling feelings about this.)
I hope this helps!