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Re: My 3 year old was molested - Where do I go from here?
krupaclassy Views: 7,890
Published: 21 y
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Re: My 3 year old was molested - Where do I go from here?

Consider an actual child therapist. Art therapy and play therapy will give her ways to express her hurt in a form she knows. Having her draw at home and explain the picture would also help. That gives her an outlet that a child of her age doesn't always have. As for her acting out, take it one moment at a time. Stop her, without anger, explain that isn't something she should do. Encourage her to talk or draw out her feelings instead. The more you do this, with all the love and reassurance you can muster, the better things will eventually become.

As for yourself, try writing a journal. Write out your feelings and what things cause you hurt and anger in your day. Also write out the good things. But writting out the bad helps you sort out your own feelings so you will be better able to handle them. It takes time (I'm going through the anger hurt thing too) but it does start getting things straight for you in your own mind. If you haven't confronted his parents then do so. You might leave your daughter with a loving relative though. The boy who did this also needs counseling. There is a reason he acted like this and that needs to be discovered. A non family person who is neutral is the best person to do that. By his getting help you insure that others don't get hurt as well. So bringing charges isn't only "revenge" but it is rather insuring the safety of your child and other children, and quite possibly the boy too.

I'll be praying for you and your daughter.


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