Hi! I have not tried the Ab-Lounger BUT I have watched the infomercials and have visited sites that are selling it. By the looks of it it's nearly identical save for a few updated features to a exercise "machine" that I own. The one I have is called a SLIM GYM and I purchased it many years ago. As I said for all practical purposes it works the same way, mine is just a lot heavier and more basic but the design is basically the same and designed to give the same workout. I can tell you that the one that I have works very well. Not only does it do what it says that it does but it feels really good on your back. It's actually fun to use. Since seeing those commercials I have been thinking of getting mine out of the garage where it's been since we moved a couple years ago. If you are dilligent in using it I guarantee you will see results. I saw one on a website for $175.00 and wonder if Wal-Mart is any cheaper? Good luck and I hope this helps.