" Current Therapeutic Trends In Allopathic Medicine. "
" Current Therapeutic Trends In Allopathic Medicine "
The practice of medicine in this the twenty first century, is defective in all of its aspects.
Its primary focus is unobtainable. Its guiding precepts are completely obsolete, and extremely dangerous.
The objectives of its essence, are self defeating in many ways. We the believers, suffer untold agonies, at the conceptional madness, of its symptomatical practices. It can not beneficially alter any disease syndrome at all.
Its practitioners depend
upon spent, and toxic pharmaceutical poisons, which, most of the time, only increase the patient's sufferings. Dead petrochemical analogs, which feed all of our basic physiological malfunctions. Its practice, enhances the continuation of the underlying disease processes. Its foundations are chemically deficient, and theoretically unprovable. Yet the charade continues.
The human body can not approach its healing potentials, by the utilization of one, or ten, toxic, pharmaceutical mediators.
The only permanant, and lasting, positive restoration, must be borne of pure and proper nutrient intake.
This also is unattainable, because of an inexact science, which refuses to alter its guiding principles. Its foundations are
imploding upon itself, and many are those, that suffer in silence, due to their materialistic greed.
A Healing Challenge, Must Be Presented, And Clarifications Of All Its Motions Must Be Highlighted.
A Congressional Subcommittee Hearing, Is Now Mandated.
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Cancer is number two; we then, have a host of other degenerations,
that not only affect the body, but also in time, destroy the mind; which in their opinion, are based on hypochondrial self pity.
Why, in this, the 21st. century, is this so ?
There appears to be put in place, by the scientific communities at large, a hidden disease extender, which lurks in the food chains, which we all need to survive. These, not being accidental scientific miscalculations; but, premeditated, conspiracies, to keep us dependant upon a failing system, of promised subliminal cures.
They have wilfully altered, every natural source, that has a healing potential; and in so doing, have not only kept all of us in a
descending level of health, but in its motions, have poisoned the environment, and altered the natural terrains of healing.
I say unto you all, that there is only one disease syndrome, which will in time destroy us all, and that is complacency, and ignorance of the truths, that keep us dependant upon their master plan.
Our physical bodies can not thrive, unless these aforementioned toxins are neutralized, and removed from the food chain.
Let us examine AID'S, and West Nile Virus, more closely.
They claim that AID'S, is caused by a Retrovirus; this is a lie, and they know it. They say that West Nile Virus, comes from mosquitos which thrive on various types of birds, this also is a lie.
They then decide to spray us, with Organophosphates, which
they claim will kill the Blood Sucker's; when in all reality, this premeditaion, only, greatly extends the Alzheimer's Population.