Re: are you saying we should eliminate BUSH?
Bush is the cause of the war, or at least the people who control BushCo are the the helm here.
Good job raising the issue of the honest comparison of Bush to Hitler[fascists, both use NAzi tactics in every phase of war]
but, it makes me wonder if you are saying that the problem will be less if we get rid of whomever is taking over after Bush?
but I know you are saying to kill Uday and Quassia, Saddam's sons. Thats way off buddy...Saddam is not the problem, in fact he is the only one who could control the factions of Iraq society.And Saddam was put into place by daddy Bush. \
What are you saying man?
I do not agree with either proposition.
We need to get rid of Bush, but in an election, not with violence.