I saw the gardens in heaven and they are so beautiful. There is nothing dead or dying in them. Walking toward God the colors bleed out and all you see is a remnant of color but as you walk away...one can see every blade of grass as different and yet he perfect form of the greatest expectaion of what a blade of grass should be... In certain parts the gardens, the plants, flowers, and trees are beautifully formed in a more traditonal sense but in other areas they are not groomed but rather the perfect expression of a wildscape. It is magnificent.
As far as the water vision you are talking about, I believe it may happen sooner than later...I envision overhead pipes as well...kind of like a contraption of a sort... I once upon a time attempted to start a water filter company in Mexico but what you are talking about is closer to what I perceive will occur in some future time & place. I never did follow through to get the water program off of the ground. I also wanted to build a series of lagoons there to filter water through. I just couldn't put all of the pieces together. But one day...maybe those pieces will fall into place...What you are talking about seems like another piece in the puzzle. I wonder if such a thing will manifest in this life or some other time? If not in this one though, I just know what you are talking about makes sense in some future day & time. It is kind of exciting...the concept of "living water" as opposed to "dead water."