What is revealed in above text is essentially same as depicted in HINDU PHILOSOPHY (Vedanta) written thousands of year back. In addition Vedanta clarifies route and means of achieving this superconsciousness necessary for uplifting ones own existence in present life. This reincernation base of Hindu & Buddha philosophy explains our deeds (karma) and results through repeated life and death cycle. But this experience contradicts Hindu philosophy & general logic based on this fact that how come one individual gets the opportunity to see & know everything while other living soules are deprived as it is the general querry of almost all living conscous being. After all God is impartial. Thus I advise readers to read more of Hindu Philosophy (Vedanta in particular) to realise more of our existence & derive a clear guide for solace to our soul.
- Dr. B. Mazumder(e-mail: bmazumder@rrlbhu.res.in)