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the problem with liver cleanses

Hulda Clark cleanses
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Cleanse the Liver
with a natural herbal detox

poopman Views: 2,318
Published: 19 y

the problem with liver cleanses

This is just my opinion, and it probably isn't worth much, but I'll say it anyway. I stink like poop. The problem, which I am absolutely certain of, is in my colon. I went to this "blood analyst" a while ago who told me, without knowing anything about me previously, that I had some serious problems with digesting food. He actually showed me the pieces of undigested fecal matter floating around in my bloodstream. So the way I see it, there is really no point in worrying about Liver Flushes as long as my colon is leaking crud into my bloodstream. But I have no idea how to solve the colon problem. I have tried chlorophyll, zinc, intestinew, probiotics, proper diet, I eve tried a 7 day hard core cleanse in Thailand about 5 months ago. It was a 7 day fast with nothing but fibre drinks, veggie broth, probiotics, and herbal pills, with 2 enimas a day. Talk about a sweet vacation. And I still stink! I"m hoping this Colyte works, but I'm skeptical.

Either way, I have learned this: don't freak out when people are sniffing or something like that. You can't help it if people want to be jackasses. All you can control is how you act. The worst thing you can possibly do is get worked up. First of all you're going to stink even worse. Second, at least for me, it becomes incredibly difficult to focus and keep up with what is going on in reality ("oh shit I stink, Do I stink, how can I stink?"), so not only will people think you stink, they'll think you're retarded as well. Remember that when you do figure out the cure to your problem, your whole ordeal will be forgotten about in a matter of days. It'll be like waking up from a bad dream.

I am a hypocrate though. I've thought about suicide a thousand times before, and I'm sure I'll think of it a thousand times in the future. But it won't happen. This website has been one of the biggest blessings for me. Just hearing that there are people out there who go through the same %¤#&!§-I do is nice to know in its own sick way. You know what I mean.... Misery loves company I guess. Good luck.


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