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The End of Bad Breath and Body Odor

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  Views: 5,970
Published: 19 y

The End of Bad Breath and Body Odor


This is Eneida again, trying to help the people with the same problem I had since I was born. Body odor and bad breath.

After reading and reading I came to the conclusion that what I had was called Leaky Gut. and I started working on it.

Believe me that I have been taking supplements to boost my inmune system for one year, and started taking other supplements about 4 months ago, and I can see the difference.

What did I take? Intestinew, then the main supplement in intestinew is n-acetyl- Glucosamine, so I took extra of this supplement and something called Repair that they sell at Vitamin Shoppe.

I stopped taking L-Glutamine because I realized that N-acetyl glucosamine was more effective. It is not thst it doesn't work, it does. But the supplements above are more effective.

You do not have to take all this, I guess, but please, take intestinew or Repair or n-acetyl glucosamine. And be constant.

IntestiNew, n-acetyl glucosamine, Repair, all this supplements go straight to the problem. Repairing the damaged lining of the digestive system, including the intestine, and that is going to the root of the problem. Don't you think so? I do.

Now for the first time my body odor has stopped and my bad breath too. I can even eat food with soy in it. Before every time I put anything with soy in it was like a beehive had gone into my body and the whole place where I was started to smell bad. Just imagine how desperate I was since almost every food on the market has soy in it.

While this supplements take action in repairing the lining in your digestive system take zinc pills for body odor, use a mouth wash called Peroxyl or pure peroxide to kill the old bacteria in your mouth and use a tongue cleaner. I am totally positive that you are going to be healed and feel better about yourself if you follow what worked for me

Good Luck! and please, e mail me after two or three months of taking these supplements.

Thanks. Remember, I do not sell or promote anything to get a commision, I tell you what worked for me and I am trying to help you.



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