Im using baking soda for BO with potassium bicarbonate for alkalizing my body.Recently bought some cesium chloride and rubidium chloride too.I will try it when i would have all stuff together cause its expensive and dont want to get it away without full support of supplemantation.I have a job for holidays so hope it will be better when i buy everithing from vitamine stores.But about baking soda and potassium.I was testing my urine after starting taking it and ph was some 9-10 so its really strong alkalizer.Im waiting if the effect will come on whole body.Its some week now and saliva ph is still around 6.5-7.Also Body Odor still exist. Iwas very low on weight so Im eating dairy and some Sugar last weeks maybe effect will be better after a week of pure veggie diet.Fighting against odor for a long and have much plans now so I will post results later.But I really thing people should try to use a teaspoon of baking soda daily for the Body Odor