my 2nd child, she flipped over and began to puch ineffectively and since i hd opted for laMaze- there was no anathesiologist in the delivery room. Meanwhile-there wasn't anyone available at that moment (middle of the night) and one had to be called from home-all this while I am having contractions and pushing even tho- the doctor asked me no to...(yeah well good luck with that request)
Finally after I gave birth I had lost a fair amount of blood and was tired (exhausted) from the enlogated labor...
The next morning while getting up to use the restroom I blacked out and hit my head on the floor-I begin shaking all over my roomate- (2 to a room) rang for the nurse...I was flopping around like Fosberry...a fish type dance-finally the nurse got me up and to bed...
Now I am wondering what kind of siezure that was...I've never fainted in mylife before or after that experience/
But my delivery doctor did warn me I might experience seizures after that event...I still don't why?