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Sometimes the unthinkable and unpopular answer is the best one.

I've been where you are. I learned to keep napkins in my pocket and take my water bottle with me to pottie so I could wet the napkins to wipe with. It only helped a little. But I am seeing big improvements now and I'd like to help you.

Continue with sun chlorella. It's an awesome product. The salt Water Cure is also great. My greatest healing is taking place now that I'm on urine therapy. It's been over 2 1/2 weeks and the difference has been amazing me. Yuck? I know, but please keep reading....

Your body has, for some reason, developed an intolerance to foods, due to medication, bad diet, etc. Now there are cells attacking the food as if it is poison. This causes chaos in your system and runs every orgain in your body down. When your body has become weak, it no longer processes food like it should and the food ferments inside you. In this state of emergency, the body gets the toxins out of the body the quickest way possible--through your pores....and man does it stink! That smell you are trying to wipe off your anus is coming through your skin too. Sorry.

So you go on special remedies that help for a while and then stop. That is because those naughty cells are still in there fighting the foods you eat. As this process continues, the weak digestive system begins to refuse more and more foods until everything makes you stink and you sit and wonder, "Why do I smell worse when I've been working so hard to get better? Why do products only help for 2 weeks?" Remedies only help long term if the trigger problem is resolved. They get rid of old build up in your digestive system, but those cells are attacking every food you eat more rapidly than you can keep up. That's why certain diets only work for a period of time too--because you are developing a new food intolerance. Yippie!

I have been on urine therapy for 2 1/2 weeks. Granted, that is not a long time, but when I finally got over thinking it was only the circus natural health fanatics who went to that extreme, I took one sip. My tummy was spinning and I felt like laying down. I fell back asleep for 4 or so hours. When I woke up, I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror. My face didn't look so red. Even my ears looked healthier. The process repeated the next day and I noticed my eyes looked vivacious...Every day there are improvements. I'm not completely cured, but dang I look better!

I'm able to eat more foods again. Foods that would have made me stink to high heaven now only let out a small odor that is only noticeable when I sweat a lot. I can do jumping-jacks and it takes 10 minutes of cardiovascular excersizing before I start to notice a smell, where as before, I couldn't even laugh at something really funny without breaking out into a sweaty stink frenzie. Before urine therapy, I would work out, then I'd bath twice and would go to work smelling worse than I would if I didn't excersize at all. The smell would stay imbedded in my skin! That's how bad it was beforehand, even with all the cleansing and the vegan diet I was on.

Urine is not a waste product as many believe. It is actually blood that goes through the kidneys. Your kidneys release what your body doesn't need at the time into your bladder, like vitamins, minerals, hormones, digestive enzymes, etc. Also, this healing process is FREE and works better than anything else I've tried!

Now let me tell you what is amazing about it. That urine(ex-blood) contains cells that are causing your body to fight foods and weaken your digestive and immune system. When you reingest them, it works like a vaccine, putting your imune system into overdrive in the same way doctors vaccinate you by giving you a little dose of a disease in order to make you immune--therefore stopping all those cells from rejecting and going into battle with your food. It begins to heal you almost soon as it hits the start of your intestines, which get a big surprise. For me, it felt like liquid gas..not painful, but a curious weird feeling. Then like I said, I noticed the difference within a few hours after sleeping.

That's my story. If you still don't want to try it, I don't blame you. It's a not a pretty thought. I've been on curezone for a good while and thought I'd rather die than drink my own piss. I can recall saying, "I stink bad enough as it is without drinking my own urine!" But I also remember saying I would eat or drink anything if I knew it would heal me. Now I'm having to prove that last comment to myself :)

If you want to keep in touch with me, you can. I'm setting up this post to allow people to e-mail me. Please feel free to do so. I also BLOG my progress on Cure Zone atleast every 1-3 days. So if one day it "stops" working, I BLOG it and you can wait to see what happens with me before doing it yourself.

I also did research and there is a yahoo urine therapy site where there are 3 people who have completely cured themselves of odor by drinking their own pee. Amazing.




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