another story for you guys
Hi, i am 29 years old and a male.
I first noticed my problems around the age of 21 or 22. But in a nutshell, everywhere I am smells awful pretty quick. Every job I've had since about 21, my workspace and sometimes the whole floor smells musty or stale. My bedroom in the morning is the same way - VERY STRONG. Of coarse like most of you, it's embarressing, it's getting worse, and I am at a breaking point.
I quit the corporate world where i was making a nice living at the age of 25 and started doing crap jobs that mostly require my own car (which smells awful too).
I am super hygenic, take showers, but still this is ruining my life. I have off tomorrow and totally fear going back to my job on tuesday....the hours are counting down in my head :( Thw windows are open there the 3 days i'm not there....i'll be back and then it will wreak again....oh man.
The age that it started lead me to believe it has to do with food (about the time i was totally on my own and eating total crap).
I ate all fruits, whole grains, water, and other good stuff for the last month....and it seemed to help some....but now i'm back to square one.
I have one more wrinkle....people now in the last year or so are allergic to me. I don't guess this.....i know this. People with pre-existing breathing problems FLARE UP when around me.....and other people just start sniffleing or obtain mucus in the throat..........i'm totally baffled on that one....anyone ever hear of this?
I'm almost more nervous someone will put that connection together more than the 1st one.
totally beat down from stressing and countless hours of research,,,,
any help or feedback is worth the world to me :)