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Important: Body Fecal Odor
no1johnnyboy Views: 7,512
Published: 20 y

Important: Body Fecal Odor

Body Fecal Odor

About my Condition:

I have same problem as well but for me it got even worse. It all started four years ago at high School when I've smelled something odd about myself. That I've could smell manure or faeces coming out of me I thought first it was coming from the bottom of my shoes but there wasn't anything their. Sometimes the smell would go away come back again. I try to annoy the people who were talking about me that I smell but it left me embarrassed. I still went to school and work with this embarrassing condition. The oddest thing that my family couldn’t smell me I ask my friends if they could smell it but they’ve said no. But sometimes they either ask me if I’ve stepped on something or that if I farted even with my family but I couldn’t feel anything moving out of me and I've checked my shoes. I have shower everyday and I wear clean clothing. I went to three doctors and they’ve said they couldn’t smell anything. So they thought I had paranoid illusion – thinking that I smell. I visited more then five doctors eg. Gastroenterologist, Phycologist, Neurologist, etc but they couldn’t find anything what was causing it. So when I went and researched about it found that there were seven causes of body faeces odour. I've tried every medicine that you could name to get rid of this condition that I have. Now I'm twenty years old now and it all started when I was sixteen. Doctors should do more research instead coming up with quick consumption that they think you are mentally sick.


Suggestion on what to:

1) Go to the Doctors. Take as many evidence as you can about this body odour including such forums for those people who are living in this kind of situation.

2) People if the Doctors can't cure it who will? Scientist. Ask suggestion if they can do a test on you.

3) Try to do much research as possible to find the solution to this problem. Well I have tried to but no success.

4) Ask your family and friends if they can see something wrong with you. You know what I mean even with the people walking down the street

5) Don't worry many people are living in a worse condition then you. Think about those people and how they had to suffer about their situation.

6) Do things regularly go to the toilet, have shower, shave, brush your teeth, wear clean clothing, exercise, eat and sleep at the right time, and take your medicine etc.

7) Good Luck


Suggestion on how you might get minimise body faecal:

1) Go to the toilet 2-3 times a day if you can one in the morning before your breakfast and one in the evening after your dinner.

2) Exercise Regularly 20 to 60 mins a day

3) Eat Healthier food do not eat any junk food like KFC, McDonald, etc.

4) Eat at the right time preferably Morning, Lunch & Dinner Maybe Snack as well

5) Drink plenty of water. Probably 8 glass of water a day

6) Take Chlorophyll & Vitamin K

7) Keep up with this work try to take a create a schedule.    



seven causes of body faeces:


To order vitamin K

As you know I’m still living in this condition




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