I happened upon this forum tonight and was surprised by two similarities in my life reflected in other posts. One was the misuse of enemas and laxatives as a teen to lose weight and the second was the use of tetracycline at the point of my realization that there was a problem. I felt that it was me....some block that I had with personal hygiene. I couldn't imagione what I was doing wrong that no bath...no wiping was effective. But I think that you guys have hot the nail on the head with the theory of weakened sphincter muscles and perhaps a build up of bacteria due to tetracyline. Also I don't feel my bowel movements the way I normally should...bowel movements come with a bulky amount leading me to believe that it has been that my body has been ready to evacuate without the muscles sending the proper message---sounds like proof for the weakened sphincter muscle theory. So what do we do? Do we suffer like this for the rest of our lives? Do we sue the manufacturers of tetracycline and demand that they research and compensate us for this demeaning pain. Mostly I'm just happy to no longer be alone in my suffering.My fear to leave the comfort of my own corner because I'm stinky. The cute girl who smells kinda funny...and people can be sooo cruel and there's really no response. If you smell it's usually something that you did. Well it's not us...or some fallacy of us. It's a real condition and there's got to be something that we can do.