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Re: I believe that if a product is not effective for you

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thanatos Views: 2,379
Published: 20 y
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Re: I believe that if a product is not effective for you

"you have the right to be dissapointed and give your opinion."

I also have the duty to educate people with Science when companies hide information in a way to trick people into believing that their product is clinically proven to treat bad breath when there is not a single bit of real Science to back that product up.

I can give the Science behine Therabreath products working, but there is absolutely no science that shows supplemental streptococcus K12 can colonize the mouths of those whos epithelial surfaces of the mouth are incabable of adhereing to that strain. Something like 10% of the population has the receptors to allow Streptococcus Salivarius K12 and only 20% of those who can harbor significant amounts of K12 can produce the l Antibiotics necessary to kill bad breath bacteria.

"But I consider to loooooow to campaign against or/and poison everybody with bitter words."

No clue what you're talking about. You should be appalled by any company trying to tap into the wallets of halitosis sufferers with a product that has not been proven to be effective, but instead you're appalled by those who expose a product and try to help others understand before they purchase. Please direct your criticism to those who scam, not those who are helping people understand what's going on.

"We are all aware that there are companies or individuals who try to take money from you. You don't know who says the truth on these days."

I know, becuase I do the research myself. Have you done the research?

"I appretiate when somebody tells me or warm me about a product and wants me to save my money. But I dislike when people attack individual or companies just because the product did not work for this particular person."

I criticized a dentist who came here to do nothing but to promote products that he signed up to sell for profit under Breeze.

"Everybody's chemistry is different. All who went to school knows that"

That's my point! The mucosal surfaces in bad breath mouths are DIFFERENT than that of those with good breath. Our mouths don't have the receptors to harbor the kind of flora that creates good breath. Don't bring up "different chemistries" if you don't have any idea what those difference are and if they work for or against your argument.

"And what does not work for you, can work for other person. Lets us accept the reality."

Right, Streptococcus Salivarius K12 does work for some: those who already have it as a part of their normal flora. Who does it not work for? Just about everyone else. Why? Because science says so.

I'm still waiting for the floods of posts saying "I woke up next to my girlfriend this morning and we talked for hours face-to-face, laying in bed. She even commented that it was amazing because I didn't have bad breath in the morning anymore! It worked exactly as indicated in the study that BLIS conduted where almost all of the participants woke up with fresh breath as read by the halimeter! My life has changed! Please everyone, get this product!!!!"

"If this post bothers you, just ignore it."

This post does bother me because it doesn't make sense to me.

I will not ignore it because it bothers me, I will respond to it.


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