A bad tooth the cause of Body Odor ! Damn. I think I really need to get my teeth cleaned. You see, when I was around 11-12, I feel down face first on a concret ground and broke my left front tooth in half. I got half of it re-built. Ever since that accident, I think I have had this fecal Body Odor ! Could it really be the cause of it? I mean, I remember once that when I was around 15 or so, I had horrible tooth aches in that broken tooth. I went to the dentist and she said that I had puss (sp?) in my tooth. She drilled a small hole in the back of my tooth and this yellowish thick liquid type substance came out. It had a horrible odor to it, fecal like. After it was all gone, she fixed up the drilled hole. So, do you think this tooth is the cause of my fecal odor? So I go to a dentist and have all my teeth clensed?