Hi, I have had a feces Body Odor for about 5 months now. Like many of you I cant go out anymore and I'm now flunking out of my senior year of HS. But anyways I was wondering if the feces odor is somehow connected to my premature aging. Last summer I took up smoking with no problems but in october I stared to notice after I smoked, a day later there were new wrinkles on my face and hands. At around this same time my doctor put my on Antibiotics cause I had a cold. After I stopped my Antibiotics 2 days later I started to have gas really bad that I couldnt smell but everyone else at school could so I stared taking Gas-x and that go rid of it., but, heres when things start to really go down hill, the gas went away but the smell stayed and eventhough I cant smell it everyone else could and it seemed to keep getting worse. Now back to the premature aging I cut back to 1 ciggarette a day and I was still getting new wrinkles! espeacially on my hands. So I quit but now even if I inhale second hand smoke I still seem to get more wrinkles, how can that be? please help!