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Re: Lusty you were so right!!!

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Re: Lusty you were so right!!!

Hi Monica,well it looks like not only Me have such a big problems.First can I ask you what kind of testing you are going to have to check your thyroid?How am I coping ,tell you the truth I was in very ,very bad condition other words hospital material ,but right now the panic attacks and clinical Depression got a little better but still I feel very bad,I am taking clonopin to help with anxiety and some other drug which gives Me some energy and helps Me keep going and survive.I did some reading on candida and that beast can cause any symptom you can imagine,so I would advice everybody to investigate candida and get checked for it.How do you feel when you wake up are feeling cold?I really do not know what is the root of our problems but I have a feeling that it might be candida ,it poisons every organ in the body but My ND and Myself adress all problems.My treatment is very costly also ,I spend thosunds of dollars allready for the supplements,testing and visits.As for now I am going to hold on to this ND because I can not find anybody better than her,she uses
"Standard Process" suplements which are very good ,these are whole food suplements and no chemicals in them,I am taking like 10 different kind of them and they are not cheap.Medical doctors?Yes I am seeing one but he is kind of 50/50 into natural aproaches and I found right now who is totally wholistic DO.Watch your diet if you are hypoglecymic cut down all kind of sugars and with candida also we should not eat any high carbohydrates foods because they turn into Sugar in our bodies.If you have a medical insurance try to find a MD or DO who would do an food allergy test ,I had mine it is called ELISA ,My insurance paid for it and I am allergic to a lot of foods which I was eating very often.Monica I am mentally and physically exausted but I keep fighting and I believe that one day everything will be normal again,I have no choice but to fight and believe ,it can be done.Try to get on a good diet and kill the candida ,I signed up for a group of candida support on yahoo ,there is a lady who helps a lot and she has a very strict diet which helps to ged rid of candida,so I would advice you to sign up to this group and do some reading.Just be strong and believe.I am also seing a psychiatrist who wants to give Me prozac and all other kind of meds but I refuse them and take just clonopin,most of MD's do not even recognize candida and adrenal disfunction ,the blood test I had for My thyroid showed that I am fine with it which is not true,just like in adrenal fatigue their tests are no good ,this is of course only My opinion and if you feel very very bad maybe you should see some medical doctor and get stabilized but it is all your decision you know the best of our symptomps.For candida My doc gave Me "Diflucan"
1 pill a week for 4 months ,I will see how this is going to work,maybe when I get rid off the beast I will improve.I wish you good luck and remember there is a hope and a way to get our bodies back to normal again.
Did or do you have Amalgams filings in your mouth?And what state you live in?Maybe close enough to see My ND.You can e mail Me if you have any other questions.It is good to learn from each other when we have exactly the same problems.


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