? to James
I wanted to ask what your doctor really helped you do? I also think I should get a doctor to help me out because I cant do this on my own and my family really doesnt understand the severity of it all. But for now I cant afford it. Right now I just want to focus on clearing out the candida and getting my digestion working as best I can so I can absorb food and nutrients.
ALso, the hair test I have found that Dr. Eck found a common scenario or whatever on hair tests for people with adrenal fatigue. He has been doing it for 30 years or so and studied all these patients. One might disagree with a hair test but I think it can tell me a lot. I mean we have to have our vitamins and minerals because they make our body function optimally and like it should so I figure this will tell me a lot about my chemistry and will help me get on a good vitamin mineral program for my personal chemistry. Did you know that our thyroid and adrenals produce 98% of our energy? thats what Dr. Eck said. I dont know if its true but it makes since.
Anyways, how did the doctor help you make leaps and bounds? Like I said, I think I will need help but for right now I just cant afford it and have to get started on something I know I have to do anyways. How are you functioning? Like are you working, living, out having fun with friends? I hope so. Could you tell me how you have gotten better like your course of healing and how it has went and how much better you are than you were before?
I know thats a lot of questions but I could use some experience knowledge here lol. Take care buddy.
just turned 21 but looks like there will be no drinking and partying for me