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Re: Seen a ND!!!
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Re: Seen a ND!!!


I couldn't agree more. So many of these things (candida, AF, chronic fatigue, parasites, lupus, and on and on and on) share so many symptoms in common (and often overlap..... a person can have more than one thing going on at a time) that it's no wonder they are so difficult to diagnose. Add to that the fact that even if two people have the exact same thing going on..... they will often react COMPLETELY differently to the SAME treatments.... and it's a wonder that ANYONE ever gets better from this stuff!!!!! (sorry to be so pessimistic).

If your naturopath doesn't think you have candida.... consider yourself LUCKY. It's a nightmare to deal with and very very few people (myself included) that I know have ever been what I would consider to be "cured" of candida. It seems like something they deal with for the rest of their lives. If your adrenal fatigue doesn't get better though..... candida might be something worth looking into again. Olive leaf can be a good thing to try... because not only can it help with candida but it is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.... so it can relieve your body of a LOT of things that it might be fighting and which are weakening you and causing the AF. Just a thought.

My candida was caused, I'm sure, by a combination of really poor dietary habits as a teenager and young adult along with the tendency to be a big-time worrier and always stressed like crazy. My mom said I was having full-blown panic attacks when I was TWO. Not the "little kid being scared or having a tantrum" type thing.... but actual panic. So I'm sure that couldn't have helped the situation much. For me, anxiety probably helped lead to candida, which produced WAY more anxiety, and created a nightmarish cycle.

I wish you well..... I know how scary and disheartening this can all be.


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