Well as the Rolling Stones put it "you can't always get what you want....but you get what you need."
What kind of freelance work do you do? This sounds like a good scenario. Do you have some family that could help out. It's difficult when you are all alone. Make a friend in your neighborhood that you can trade babysitting with when you are in a pinch. A baby is such a gift. I tell my little one all the time that he was a present from God. I hear you saying that you want this baby. You are already on the road to being a mamma, you are defending your baby. That's a good sign.
Babies really do not need much - to nurse and be close to mamma, a couple of clothes and a carseat. A sling is also a good thing to have and you can even make it if you sew. The rest you can make do with whatever you have. It's funny sometimes to watch some moms buy all this stuff and all the baby could care about is if he can feel and smell mamma closeby. You will figure this all out as it comes to you. So yes, the universe will take care of you.