DHEA is a kind of "guy" hormone--androsterone--that women have, too. It is a basic hormone that the body can turn into other hormones for ill or good, and it heavily regulates mood and circulation/warmth. It is produced by the Adrenals and can be paradoxically high when under stress. It's like the Thyroid. Stress makes it overproduce, expanding its surface area, then underproduce when it "collapses" or shrinks. So lay off all adrenal stressors like: caffeine, nicotine, Sugar and overly stimulating loud music/noise, or any fight-or-flight situations. Eat lots of minerals and good Sea Salt , and eat nutritious fats and oils, like a steak w/olive oil, or Evening Primrose caps or Borage seed oil. Eat no hydrogenated margarine or peanut butter or fried foods; that's like feeding a starving dog a rubber bone. Stick with this regimen and get checked again soon! God bless.