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Re: Can adrenal exhaustion be caused by salt deficiency?
SandraK Views: 9,612
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 554,922

Re: Can adrenal exhaustion be caused by salt deficiency?

I have Fibromyalgia and was diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion as the root cause of my fatigue, upon further inspection (blood test results) my doctor determined that I have fairly severe salt deficiency. He believes that if I add salt back in to my diet, mixing Sea Salt with water - daily, my energy will come back. The blood test revealed that my potassium level was perfect, indicating that my adrenals are doing what they are supposed to do - but that my salt level was severely low. I have been adding salt to my water daily, for weeks now, and am waiting (with fingers crossed) to get my energy level back. I've been on a detox diet for FM, and have been clearing viruses from my body so I was also dehydrated for a period of time (with significant weight loss) so it may take me a bit longer to get the salt level up and experience the energy increase you've mentioned. I'm glad to see your post, it gives me hope that we are on the right track!


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