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Exploding Terrorists

London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists: Important Questions

Official government story changes every minute

Prison Planet | July 13, 2005

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

Since we posted our original article
about the exercises being conducted on the London Underground which
targeted the exact same spots as the bombings that happened on the
morning of Thursday 7th July, a firestorm of interest on the subject
has swept the internet.


Explosions In London

Who Stands To Gain? Israel Warned Before Blast, Cover-up in Progress

Important questions need to be asked of both Peter Power and Visor Consultants, the agency who were running the drill.

In both the ITN TV interview and the BBC radio interview
Peter Power makes it clear that the team of crisis managers who were
overseeing the drill quickly switched from exercise planning to real
time management of the actual bombing itself.

"We had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real," stated Power in his TV interview.

company that Visor were running the exercise for is not named by Power.
If Visor switched to real time management of the bombings, who else
could the company be but London Underground or one of their affiliates?

this were a strategy session for a completely unaffiliated company to
London Underground, the meeting would have been cancelled and the
participants would have gone home as soon as they were aware of the
fact that a real attack was taking place.

if the exercise was being conducted for London Underground or a group
responsible for part of a command structure in the aftermath of the
attack would 'real time crisis management' of the event take place.

why does Power make mention of the company being close to a property
occupied by Jewish businessmen? He then makes reference to American
banks. If the exercise was being coordinated on behalf of a bank then
why was there a need for Visor Consultants to actively 'manage' the
bombings after they had taken place and what were they managing

Consultants is a PR firm. Were they responsible for telling the media
that the bombings were in fact a simple power surge for over an hour?
An explanation that was obviously ridiculous but gave the government
time to manage the release of information about the attack.

Power has been hired by the government before and he is always used to release information after terrorist incidents in London.

Two previous examples of this are the March 2001 BBC television center bombing and the September 2000 rocket attack on the MI6 building.

Was Powers again used by the government as a conduit for information that would support their official version of events?

Today we are told that the bombers were all killed in the act of carrying out the bombing. Just like the Madrid bombers blew themselves up during a raid (pictured below).

very convenient that all of the suspected patsies should have been
blown up in their own attacks even though the last word was that the
attacks were not suicide bombings, but synchronized, timed bombings.
This is pure media-manipulation sleight of hand. Its designed to
distract from the revelation that exercises that precisely mirrored the
bombings were happening in the Tube as the bombs were going off around
London. Its the same trick used in Madrid - first the government tried
to blame ETA and when that wouldn't stick, it turned to the old standby
of Islamic Extremists. When investigators tracked the patsies to an
apartment in Leganés, the so-called terrorists supposedly blew
themselves up in the stand-off. Suspects dead, case closed the
government said. They are trying to play the same tired hand in London.

The BBC is reporting
that only one of the bombers definitely blew himself up. Which is it?
All four bombers or just one? There is an attempt to muddy the waters
so people will switch off and just buy whatever the government tells
them, even though the government story keeps contradicting itself.

The London Times reported,

bombers who killed 191 people in Madrid last year also gathered at one
place before separating to plant devices timed to explode

How could the Madrid bombers have carried out an attack from the grave? Here is the report
saying they blew themselves up. How could they have bombed London if
they were already dead? When another city gets bombed and they get
blamed again will anyone point out that the same bombers have now been
killed twice over?

Times report is a blatant psy-op to keep the 'Al-Qaeda' drumbeat
echoing in people's heads. Even though the so-called claim of
responsibility is a proven hoax.

Furthermore, the New Zealand Herald reported that
two Reuters employees witnessed the unconfirmed shooting by police of
two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf in
London. This took place at 10:30am, after the so-called suicide bombers
had blown themselves up.

let me get this straight, they blew themselves up after the Madrid
bombing, they blew themselves up during the London bombing and then
they were shot by police after the London bombing. So they've been
killed three times over? Does that make sense to you?

to this that the CCTV camera on the number 30 bus was conveniently not
working and we have the makings of an information lock down. They can
tell us whatever they want but without any evidence to back it up why
should we believe them when they've been caught lying about terrorism
and creating fake terror alerts dozens of times before?



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