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Arnie Bidding For Top Office
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Arnie Bidding For Top Office

...and here's how its done. New World Order 101.


Schwarzenegger Behind Group Seeking to Repeal Constitutional Rule Baring Foreigners from Presidency | Alex Jones
November 15, 2004

Schwarzenegger political operative Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones is spearheading a new organization that is pushing a four-year plan to repeal Article 2 of the Constitution and the 22nd Amendment.

Morgenthaler-Jones joined the Arnold campaign as a member of his finance committee the day after he announced his run for the California Governorship in 2003.

Other members of the group are admitted Schwarzenegger political surrogates as well.

The group has launched an aggressive TV ad campaign in California with the stated goal of raising millions of dollars for a national push modeled after's system of political marketing.

This Schwarzenegger's front group emergence comes after a three-week blitz by high powered government king-makers across the political spectrum pushing for the way to be cleared for Arnold to be President in 2008.

Congressman Dana Rohrbacher , R-CA who has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to remove Article 2 of the US Constitution as well as the 22nd Amendment told the San Jose Mercury-News that Republicans are looking at Arnold to be the next President and expressed his opinion that we're going to need "his leadership" when Bush's term is up.

John McCain has says that he thinks that the Constitution should be changed so Arnold could run. He made the statement on Jay Leno's Tonight Show. Leno is a known minion of Schwarzenegger.

Ted Kennedy has called for the law to be changed so Arnold could run for president. Arnold on 60 Minutes said that he thinks the law should be changed so he can shoot for the top.

For several years, it has been clear to myself and other researchers that Arnold has unprecedented support from the elite. The greatest piece of evidence for this is that neither I nor my colleagues can think of any political leader with more admitted dirt in his past. Despite all of the groping, nazi connections, the gay p 0 r n o g r a p h y, steroid use, and Enron connections the mainstream media continues to put Arnold the Barbarian in a good light.

California economically in much worse shape. Their deficit has doubled what it was just a year ago. Still, Arnold and the media have succeeded in making some people think that things are better.

The elite has positioned Arnold for the Presidency. We're told, "be nice, let a foreigner be your President." Any other nation having the same agenda pushed on them would laugh.

This is humiliating and shows the level of control that the establishment has when they can warp reality and make Arnold look like a good guy.

Below is a detailed analysis of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his Twilight Zone past. We suggest everyone review the facts for themselves and join us in a movement against this foreign invader and his corporate controllers who are out to loot America.

We knew they had big plans for Arnold during his gubernatorial run because the media and the establishment defended him to the hilt and ignored the worst stories about him.

Now heavy hitters from both political parties are coming out of the woodwork promoting Arnold for the Presidency, and an incessant media blitz is telling us how great he is.

We know a Constitutional Convention is slated for the next few years. A Con Con can be called for a gay marriage amendment or a flag-burning amendment, but as soon as one starts the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights is fair game.

They can kill the Second Amendment and remove laws blocking Schwarzenegger from being President. We've got to stop a Constitutional Convention.

No one else would survive even a tenth of the scandals that have been swept under the rug for Schwarzenegger.

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