Election 2004 Vote Fraud
Election 2004 Vote Fraud
Kerry conceded rapidly despite the fact that vote fraud has been documented everywhere. Numerous examples of vote fraud are pouring in.
Enter, Mr. Blackwell: Was He Bush's Trump Card In Ohio
It was Blackwell who supposedly told Andy Card that there were not enough provisional ballots on tap to make up the difference between Kerry's count and a possible victory for Kerry. In other words, no need to actually tally those provisional ballots.
Staged Election: Several Republicans Win by Exact Same Amount of Votes
What went wrong in Cuyahoga?- Did they count 90.000 votes in time?
At around 1:00 AM this morning, we reported, that the Mayor of Columbus, Ohio, which is Michael B. Coleman, reported, that though Bush is leading with 100.000 votes, 190.000 Kerry Votes are "coming now from Cuyahoga".
Was The Ohio Election Honest And Fair?
Exit polls and ‘actual’ results don’t match; Evoting states show greater discrepancy
An analysis of the original AP exit polling, which showed Kerry with a tighter margin and leading in myriad states, raises serious questions about the authenticity of the popular vote in several key states, RAW STORY has learned.
Possible evidence of voter fraud in Ohio
Note the already-voted-with ballots in the back of the truck with the Bush-Cheney sticker in the back window. Does this prove fraud? Well, it certainly doesn't look good in a state that's already had lots of problems this election.
Fixed - The Stealing Of Another Election
...on several swing states, and EVERY STATE that has EVoting but no paper trails has an unexplained advantage for Bush of around +5% when comparing exit polls to actual results.
In EVERY STATE that has paper audit trails on their EVoting, the exit poll results match the actual results reported within the margin of error.
So, we have MATCHING RESULTS for exit polls vs. voting with audits
Flashback: Diebold CEO in Ohio 'Committed to Delivering Election to Bush'
The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
Russian Observer Shocked by U.S. Election Procedures
A Russian parliamentarian taking part in international monitoring of the U.S. presidential elections has said that the elections were held in violation of U.S. law and that that he was shocked after seeing how the elections were held.
Electronic voting machine woes reported
U.S. voters nationwide reported some 1,100 problems with electronic voting machines on Tuesday, including trouble choosing their intended candidates.
More Evidence of Voting Machine Errors
The screen says "Vote Save Error #9. Use the Backup Voting Procedure." A news crew was on hand to film Californians using the voting machines. I pointed to this particular screen and said "There's your story - right there.
More vote fraud on our election night page