Please read this about the real facts of Michael Moores movie.
The problem in this country is that it really doesn't matter your political ideology or your level of involvement because the system is rigged. It's rigged if the right gets in and it's rigged if the left gets in.
Some people dislike Michael Moore, but he does nail something's right on the head.
He said that 10 percent of the wealthiest people in this country have 2 parties, the other 90 percent have none. And it's true. The real power brokers in the US don't care which party gets elected as they control both. The usual left-right issues don't concern them as they are able to control the course America economically and politically through their organizations (the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, WTO, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Affairs, Bilderburgers etc.) and by their ties into the military industrial/defense complex along with the US banks and multi-nationals. They stuff their pockets no matter who is in.
A lot of the control of the US political parties might not seem as focused as one might think. It is big money greed having it's way... HOWEVER there are king makers like David and John D Rockefeller 4 along with a plethora of elite families that really rule this country. They can do it because they control the money and the media (own the media) and they buy and sell (promote and destroy) politicians with their billions of dollars.
Control of the media:
Look at the facts. Kennedy was assassinated by a cabal that contained several Texas oil billionaires, complicit with Johnson (VP) , Alan Dulles (CIA) and Hoover (FBI). It was a sanctioned Rockefeller cartel hit (it had to be oir wouldn't have occured) , so even with all the glaring evidence to the contrary, it was covered up. Imagine being able to cover up the assassination of a president!
The Hinkley attempt on Reagan was a hit. And was covered up.
What really happened in Oklahoma city (the blueprint for 9/11) was covered up.
What really happened to TWA 800 (shot down by a US missile during war games) was covered up.'
The list of blatant government lying to the public backed by the media goes on and on.
And then there is 9/11. The biggest lie of all.
BTW, the Nazis had a saying. If the lie is big enough and told often enough, people will believe it.
My suggestions?
First: Believe nothing you hear from the 2 established political parties -- either one.
Second: Vote for a third party (or a fourth party, or a fifth). Until we get more parties and independents involved and have a choice, we are living in a one party system. I suggest you pull out of our fraudulent, counterfeit system and look to the alternatives. If people don't, they will get the same old c-r-a-p shoveled out by the same old liars, cheats and thieves.
You might see Nader as a spoiler, but he is actually a ray of hope. He's too left for me, but I would take him in a second over the status quo. There are the Libertarians. There are the Greens. There is the Peace and Freedom party. Even the Constitution party (the bible bonker's party). There are alternatives.
We have to unplug from the current system. It's rigged against the people in favor of the special interests and that will never change unless we change it...
Of course, with the advent of electronic voting machines and right wing vote fraud, it may take another revolution to get those tyrants out...
Facts about Mikey Moores propaganda machine!