Judgement Day (take 2)
Cheney now says Rummy shouldn't resign. In fact he says he is the best Secretary of Defense we have ever had. (I always believe Cheney, don't you?)
Rummy is the man who grossly underestimated the troops needed to illegally invade Iraq, thought the US would be greeted with 'candies and flowers', botched the occupation irrevocably with the failure to stop looting etc, oversaw the murder of numerous innocent men women and children (pushing 20,000), has overseen the nearly 8 hundred US deaths (Australian news agencies put the US death total at almost 1,200)... and tried to cover-up this latest round of prisoner abuse.
The new unreleased abuse pictures and video are rumored to show US soldiers raping women, showing young boys being sodomized by Iraqi guards and showing prisoners being beaten to death.
So, we went to Iraq to prevent Sadam from torturing and murdering Iraqis, so we could do it.
Makes sense to me.
People that support this war are getting on thinner and thinner ice here. It turns out that we are just as brutal as the tyrant we replaced. (gee, doesn't surprise me...) Perhaps we should just wipe out the place and be done with. If we are destroying, murdering and humiliating these people bit by bit, it would be more humane to just nuke 'em once and get it over with. Hell, we have already poisoned their country beyond belief with massive amount of depleted uranium as it is.
It is OBVIOUS that the US military sees these people as less than human. How else could they order the bombing of civilian houses and marketplaces, mow down civilian protesters including children, execute prisoners, and carry on such unspeakable abuse.
The military reflects the leadership, my friends. The 'I found Jesus', messianic cretin in the White House is responsible for this unconscionable mess. And you people that unquestionably support him better do some soul searching...
On judgment day when Satan asks GW Bush to step forward and says 'come on in', you don't want to be standing with him....
woo woo woo