Ah yes. The tired old Liberal/Republican diversionary sideshow. *yawn* This old form of globalist propoganda is working less and less. People must be tired of losing their freedoms once guaranteed by their forefathers and our finally putting 2 and 2 together. Seeing through this smokescreen is easy.
Bu$hco's police state inches closer well the diversions of the day are fed to the public via globalist owned media.
Ever read patriot act 1. Now we have 2 to read after it was snuck in during the "wag the dog" staged capture event, now playing on a brainwashing media outlet being piped into your home.
Hitler never had it so easy.
"Democracy and violence can ill go together."
Mahatma Gandhi
"In true democracy every man and woman is taught to think for himself or herself."
Mahatma Gandhi