Re: help Bob or Southern Bell
Bones, teeth need calcium. It is no coincidence that Christopher's T&G and Calc-Tea formulas are nearly identical. Calc-Tea, laying off the sugars that leach calcium from the body(esp. refined sugars, soft drink, etc), using T&G(Schulze's is a little different, he adds tea tree oil, echinacea, cayenne, oak galls, and bayberry,but either "formula" would help tighten and strengthen your gums,teeth,) And perhaps Christopher's Bone&Tissue formula(the formula only not the brandname), superfood.
It's interesting also your post mentioned 'root canal' and either automagically
or on purpose linked to the Curezone page article '
root canals Pose Health Threat'.
Holistic healing, which
Dr. Schulze is so deeply committed too,(as am I) is treating the whole(mind,body,soul) and cause of illness(blockage) not only the symptoms. So look at how you are getting nutrition in your diet, excersize, mental positivity, get outside and plenty of sunshine after taking calcium for that added Vit. D boost.
In terms of cleansing, I shouldn't think it would hurt to to a bowel, or d-tox
formula..teeth problems have a nasty way of causing issues elsewhere. Perhaps
Bob or others would have more to say on this, good luck!
Kind Regards,