Hydrocortizine and Ezcema Spreading
Hi there, I'm 19 and it's been only about a year since I have had ezcema (or at least a year since it's showed up). It has gradually spread and continues to do so which is my concern. At what point it will stop spreading, I have no idea.
I started using hydrocortizine cream about 2 months ago and it has worked really well in removing the visible rash when I use the cream.
However, of course, if I stop using the cream, the redness/itchyness will come back in full force the next day or two.
I basically have 2 questions.
1. First of all, is it safe or a good idea to use Hydrocortizine cream constantly all the time?? I think one of the brands of hydrocortizine cream (0.5%) that I used said to not use it after 7 days of continued use...
2. It seems like when I use Hydrocortizine cream, the rash looks like it's gone but it still keeps spreading. In another words, if I stop using hydrocortizine, the rash will come back bigger than before. Is there ANY way to stop the spreading?