Re: protocol for acne
Dear Friend,
Good job on your food program and doing the flushes
The skin may be the largest elimination organ for the human body
but it is usually only asked to be one if one of the others is not working efficiently
and often it is the Kidneys that may be underperforming
Have you ever done my 5 Day Detox for the Kidneys and Bladder
if not do one or two ASAP
start washing your face with a very mild and natural soap
6 times every day
a antibacterioal one would be nice
go shopping in your local health food store
wash youir face
upon arising, before bed
and 4 more times in between
and after some of the washings, if you skin is very dry
add a natural moisturizer
following this routine will make a HUGE difference
also use diluted raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
or diluted lemon juice
as a wash now and then too
your skin will love it
So cleanse your Kidneys
and your face
and you will see a huge difference
Dr. Schulze