Re: help please! drooliing, recurring itchy ears & throat
Thanks for the response...
I actually don't eat any dairy at all...I mean except for that which is already processed into baked goods etc...I drink Soy Milk only and don't eat any cheese or eggs.
For my diet, I do eat a lot of carbs and less protein and fat...mostly rice.(Which was why I suspected Candida and did the cleanse). For meats, I eat mostly organic and really, eat more fish than meat...usually Salmon or Sardines
The house may have some mold in the bathroom, but truth is I have lived in 5 diff places over the course of the last few yrs and the symptoms persist. Pillows are covered, carpets are vacuumed always etc. I am at a loss on what to do?
Do you know any specialist that I can consult?
P.S I had a basic blood
food allergy test done and it was negative
Also, I notice that the itching and past-nasal drip gets worse in cooler temp