Re: liver cleanse
Hi Tutiecat,
I have done both cleanses. Both are excellent. One of the things I discovered though, is that the
Hulda Clark method does not seem to work very well when I am sick. As Andreas says, when you are sick, you are not able to produce the amount of bile sufficient to do the cleanse. I still got some stones out but it was very taxing on my system and left me quite exhausted the next day and I didn't get out nearly as many stones as I did when I was not sick.
So in my experience, I find that the
Dr. Schulze 5 day cleanse works much better when I am sick. It is much gentler, and also involves juice fasting/raw food for 5 days which I think is an added bvenefit to my system. I also did not get out many stones with this flush, but I *did* get out a lot of chaff, sludge, etc and I felt and looked about 10 times better after this cleanse, with radiant skin and brighter eyes.
So, to sum up I would say if you are feeling great or don't have andy big illness, do the
Hulda Clark cleanse. I love this one because it blasts out so many stones and is really effective. If you are not feeling well, then I would say do the Shulze one. Actually, if they want to take your gallbladder out, I would do *both*! Because why not?
I also love the herbs used in the Shulze cleanse. They are about the foulest smelling and tasting thing I have ever tasted lol, but they seem to really get the job done for detoxing the liver.