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Re: Yes, it's the same Sam Bizer
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Re: Yes, it's the same Sam Bizer

I have not seen the series but I am going to purchase it from ebay. I would love to hear more about the IP.

Thank you so much for the tip about ebay!

Day 10 and I finally feel less tired and EMOTIONAL. I spoke to a man last night who did the incurables program for bone marrow cancer and lymphoma and he is all beter. He did 37 days. He was such an inspiration to me because I was having doubts. He said throw those doubts away and each day say to yourself that you are one day closer to being healthy!

God bless him! He also told me after he was cured everone who got cancer would call him and ask him what he did. When he told them, most would never even try it. Some tried and quit. 4 people bought the prgram and did it Exactly as it said and they too are all cancer free. He is hooking me up with the woman who had breast cancer.

Thank you for all your support on this forum. This is going to work!

All my best,



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