20 y
Re: 30-Day Detox vx IP
The only time you really, really need a healing partner with IP is during the CST. This person is there to administer the garlic enema-wow!, to make the patient stay in the tub, to administer cayenne or lobelia as needed- the patient is too wacked out to remember to take it, to get the patient out of the tub, to throw the cold sheet on, and to help the patient get into bed.
If you can do an enema yourself you wouldn't need an HP, and if your arms are strong enough to lift a filled soup pot (potassium broth) you wouldn't need one. If you are strong enough to lift a big bottle of distilled water you wouldn't need one.
You would have to be very disciplined with your time in order to do the IP and have a full time job outside the home. I'm going to be challenged to do the IP this time with homeschooling and preparing for a wedding. You would want to explain to your children what you were doing and solicit their support with laundry, housework, and errands. I had a chore list and the kiddoes followed it every day while I was in the kitchen when I did IP. My day of "rest" from the program each week will have to be on Saturday so I can catch up on housework and do my shopping. If either of your teens can drive, maybe they could do some errands for you.
So even if you couldn't do the CST, you could get benefits from doing everything else on IP. I haven't gotten my newsletter yet, so I can't comment on the 30 day DTox yet.
I am so tickled that you are ready to address another of your healing issues. It's really inspiring!
Many blessings from gorgeous Central Texas,
30 day detox newsletter