Check out this inspiring story!
This guy, Ryan Levinson, has the same dystrophy I have. He said the docs told him "don't overdo it" with exercise. There haven't been any studies to document this admonishment, but that's what the docs tell all of us with FSHD. This guy decided to see what happened if he did "overdo it." He measured his fitness levels at San Diego State U's Dept. of Exercise and Nutritional Science. Since last year, his body fat has decreased, his lean muscle mass has increased, his VO2 max (measures the amt. of oxygen the body can utilize) increased, and he's gaining leg strength, power and endurance.
I'm zipping him an email tonight and see if he will respond to a few questions about his diet, supps, and how he started training.
He has a website up that has a lot of images. The guy's a champion cyclist and more!!
Blessings to y'all and new hope for me... thanks for your continued prayers :-D