Read Andreas' post, "Cleansing Shame & Fear, then this
I'm going to work through that post.
Guilt, shame, fear, and blame, which Andeas didn't mention, were all the immediate consequence of Original Sin in the Garden of Eden. Guilt- Adam ate the fruit. Shame- bad guy, cover up. Fear- what's God going to do to me? Blame- it's all Eve's fault (and, no, it's the serpent's fault).
Of course guilt and shame would be in the solar plexus- that's that weight a person feels, and why people say "I need to get something off my chest." Kidneys makes sense for fear- "I was so scared I thought I'd wet my pants!" And liver for anger- "the GALL of some people!" Blame just shifts the guilt to another person- point the finger, "if you hadn't...then none of this would have ever happened." Cruel words. Shame says, "if I hadn't... then..." These words are poisonous and can suck the life out of a person.
There is, according to Scripture (the Bible), a sickness unto chastisement (also a sickness unto death and a sickness unto the glory of God). I think if you do what makes you sick, it is likely you will get sick. That would be chastisement. It's kind of like if you do what makes babies, don't be surprised if you make a baby! LOL The sicknesses unto death would be like what my old friend Francis had. The Lord planned to take her home via a short visit by cancer. Then there's sickness unto the glory of God, which is what I believe I have. At the same time, 30 years of wrong eating and a stressful lifestyle can add up to a lack of health. But not MD.
When Andreas speaks of the present moment being perfect, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul, who knew how to suffer and to abound, and was happy to be either. As a person matures in Christ, he sees everything as a blessing, every crisis becomes a classroom, everything is intended to deepen his walk with Christ and become more like Him in character. I can accept the fact that my body is weak, yet I can visualize it as being strong. I don't get attached to the vision and stay in fantasy land, but I don't wallow in self pity because I can't do everything I want, either. I walk in faith, knowing that I am doing everything I know how to do to get well, and leaving the rest to my Lord.
This guy is not ready for sacred santimony; I kinda relish it. I'm figgerin' I've got some emotional blockage, and I'm clueless as to what to do for that, other than to say "release the emotional bondage in the name of Jesus." The cell memory reference is ringing true, as is Andreas' previous mentioning of DNA messages.
Some of what Andreas says is speaking over my head. I'm having to go with what I know. I'm kinda sitting on the whole "creating your own destiny" v. my personal belief in pre-destination. I would go more with "finding the destiny that was intended for you." Maybe the same thing??
A little heady, but fun stuff. Lovin' it.
NOW tell my what you're thinking. :-D
Big Texas Sunset blessings,