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janaki Views: 2,035
Published: 19 y
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You know, I am a yoga teacher, and many female students report this, whether they have had a child or you are not alone!

Ev's suggestion of kegel exercises is good. In yoga we tend to work with the perineum a lot, which on a woman is quite easy to find, it is between the anus and vaginal opening. Contracting the perineum (feel as though you are lifting up from there inside) is thought to stimulate kundalini and the lowermost chakra or root chakra which grounds us in life (think stability, your physical needs being met etc.) You might try contracting the perineum in yoga class, particularly while practicing seated or standing asanas or sitting cross-legged.

I would also spend some time in Baddha Konasana or bound-angle pose, as it tones the reproductive organs....this will be good for you. And you can try to contract or lift up through the perineum as you do this as well.

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,


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