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Re: Help! What Is This Rash On My Elbow???
nataraj Views: 4,393
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Re: Help! What Is This Rash On My Elbow???

Hi Raymond,

Dr Christopher talked about using an approach of healing from the inside out, working to eliminate the underlying cause rather than just the symptoms. Generally the underlying cause of skin rashes is a toxic condition inside the body, particularly the liver, but also the bowel and kidneys (usually the liver is congested because the bowels are as well). Toxins are eliminated through the liver/bowels, kidneys and skin. When we use herbs to aid in the elimination of toxins, excretions can increase through any or all of these channels.

Alterative (blood cleansing) herbs such as yellow dock, oregon grape root, burdock, those in the Detox formula (and a few in the Lv/GB formula) are the primary herbs which promote this elimination of toxins.

If the bowel is at all sluggish and the stirred up toxins can't get out there, then you will have even greater elimination through the skin, though some elimination through the skin is to be expected.

So if your not continuing on at least the IF#1 while doing the liver cleansing, I suggest that you consider doing that and possibly increasing the dosage. If your bowels are already moving freely then here's a few more things to consider:

How's your diet? I suggest avoiding mucus forming foods, dairy, refined sugars, flours and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and beans (raw or low heated if possible). There've be many posts here detailing the diet that Dr Shulze recommends.

Make sure you drink plenty of liquids. Lots of fresh juice is excellent and can help to move out toxins.

Make a strong Chickweed tea and soak the affected area in it. When your not soaking it, you can dip a cotton cloth in it and apply the cloth, covering with plastic and a ace bandage to hold it on. You can also do this with the Dr. Christoper's BFC tea, but I'd start with Chickweed. Sometimes the BF&C will actually make the rash seem worse at first (not necessarily bad, since maybe it's bringing the toxins out).

You can try drinking several cups of burdock tea daily. Burdock tea can also be used like the chickweed above. Plaintain can also be useful.

If it feels like too much for you to handle, you can take less of the Detox and/or the LV/GB formulas, but it should be fine to continue if your ok with some of the symptoms.

It sounds like what you have is probably what allopathic practitioners call Eczema. Check out for some other ideas.

FINALLY, DON'T forget to work in some kidney cleansing. Some of the toxins coming out of the liver leave through the blood and the kidneys. Unlike the liver, the kidneys tend to be silent when overworked until suddenly you go beyond their limit and then they start to complain. Don't wait till that point. I think Dr Shulze talks about alternating between the 5 day kidney and liver cleanses, but do at least one kidney cleanse for every two liver cleanses. I tend to take small amounts of the ki/bl formula and drink the Ki/Bl tea (or my own simpler diuretic tea of juniper berries, parsley and marshmallow root) even while I'm doing liver cleansing.



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