I know what you mean. I'm sure everything is just fine. I was anxious too. I know a lot of other pregnant people right now and they all had ultrasounds and got to hear their baby's heartbeat way before I did! It was torture. But I finally did get to hear the heartbeat (make sure you don't wear any lotion!) and had my ultrasound 2 weeks ago and everything is right on schedule. I never had any nausea or morning sickness either. I felt "yucky" for a few weeks but that was it. I took some day time naps in the beginning but really it has been a breeze for me. You probably won't feel pregnant for a while. Even now, sometimes I have to remind myself! He's an active little bugger though so I feel him kicking often. Will your doctor at least do a blood test to confirm your positive result? I did get a blood test to confirm the home test and then they saw me about 4 weeks later when I was 9 or 10 weeks and that was just for lab and paperwork. I didn't have an exam until I was about 12 weeks. So it'll be good. Just a pain to wait! The time is starting to fly by now! He's going to be here before I know it! :)