I would first ask if it is possible that you are just suffering from dry skin. Have you tried a natural moisturizer, a cream with natural ingredients and no fragrance. If you are using a lotion with fragrance that could be the culprit right there, I have hand eczema and I cannot use lotions especially ones with fragrance, something about the fragrance sets the eczema off. I had only used petroleum jelly for over two years until I finally found one lotion that doesn't set me off, it is called diabetic derm, it is available at Wal-Mart in the diabetic supply area by the pharmacy. It runs close to $8 for the jar but it is worth every penny to finally be able to feel the pleasure of lotion vs. petroleum jelly.
If dry skin is not the case and you haven't figured out any allergens, then I know it is not a popular suggestion, but I would probalby suggest you go and see your Dr. You could have something serious going on inside that you can't see at least with a diagnosis, you would know where to go to start treating yourself naturally.