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I know
jenxx Views: 1,367
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 540,269

I know

Carrie - I do believe there's a link, and I've suspected it for a while. I've been through the gamut - candida, CFS, Breast Cancer - and am living to tell the tale, thank the Lord. Truthfully, I am glad you're scared. It will help give you the strength to fight this crap! And, I know that it's a fight that can be won. I am feeling better all the time, and feel like my candida is under control now for the first time in years. Part of the reason I stick around here, although I am feeling much better, is that I don't want anyone to ever have to go through what I went through. It really takes a lot of personal strength to find the right doctors, treatments, guidance, support, etc. Please, everyone, hang in there! You can do it!


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