Eczema tips
I've had eczema for about 3 years now. The doctors couldn't help (just a waste of money), so i started researching online. I found this site about a month ago (thank god). Now i can start cleansing, and doing all the other things i read about here, to see what's causing my eczema. But, i'll let you folks know what i've been using up until now that helped me. The eczema is on my face and upper back. When i'm in the shower, i use "AVEENO-Clear Skin Bar" to wash my face and back (i let it stay on my skin a few mins). I guess it's the oatmeal in it that helps. For shaving, i use "AVEENO-Therapeutic Shave Gel". It's the only shaving product that won't sting my face. I don't use any creams or anything on my back, because the aveeno skin bar relieves all of the itching, so my back doesn't itch at all. I can see the eczema on my back (red patches, etc.), but if nobody else see's my back, i don't have to rub anything on it. But, on my face i have to use something, because it itches (unlike the back). On my face i use "Cortate-Hydrocortisone Ointment USP(0.5%)". I used a cream before, but i switched to an ointment because it has no colour (the cream was white, and my whole face would be white). Now, i have to apply this ointment in a SPECIAL WAY, in order for it to work (it took me a long time to learn this). I apply it with my pinkie finger. Above and between the eyebrows, and around the nose (sometimes on the chin). I let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Then i take 2 folds of toilet-paper, fold it a few times, then i pat it (not wipe) over the areas on my face. I find that if i let the ointment stay on my face longer than 15 mins, my face will turn red. This may be because the ointment contains petroleum, so my skin can't "breath" underneath it. So after i pat down my face, the redness goes away, and the inflammation settles down. Even though i patted my face, there will still be a thin layer of ointment left on my skin, so that'll help keep the inflammation down throughout the day. So i only have to apply it once a day. By the end of the day, my face will be kinda pink. So, right before i go to bed, i pat my face down a second time, to remove all of the ointment from my face, because i'm going to bed (and the pink colour will go away). I'll feel a slight tingling when i'm done (because i removed the cortisone from my face), but i want my face to breath while i sleep (and i don't want cortisone on my face 24h a day). Then i re-apply it the next day.
I hope these tips help anyone else. I'll have to keep doing this until i get it cured eventually. Then i can get rid of these Aveeno products, and this cortisone product. The Aveeno products contain chemicals, and we know cortisone is bad for you (plus mine contains petroleum, even worse). All-natural products sting my eczema, so i'll have to keep using these 3 for now.