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Re: Good answer Garcia! :)
shelleycat Views: 2,856
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 539,155

Re: Good answer Garcia! :)

Jockitch, athelete's foot, ringowrm, are all in the same family: fungus. So whether it's narrowed down to candida albicans or another fungi doesn't matter - the imbalance amounts to the same thing. You only need to know exactly which kind if applying an anti-fungal treatment, which rarely rarely work!

You can try Garden of Life's Fungal Defense, it's new, has good stuff like grapeseed oil, and I've had great results with their other products. That might get you a head start on feeling better as you change your diet. :)

Are you reinfecting yourself from a cat perhaps? Be sure to wash all your bedding and towels and clothes, and do a search around the house for mold and mildew under the sink etc.

See, the thing is, we are SURROUNDED by fungi all the living day. Parasites, bacteria, protozoa. We all come into contact with it. If it actually takes hold, that means your body is ripe for allowing it to take hold. You have to figure out why, because that is the cause, the visible patches of fungi are just a symptom really.


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